Crystal Reports 2008 64 Bit Download
Purpose The purpose of this document is to provide a quick look-up of all Support Packs, Fixed Issues and Distribution File downloads available for Crystal Reports 2008. Visual Studio.NET Development Crystal Reports 2008 is a 32 bit product.

There are no 64 bit runtimes for this version of Crystal Reports. For supported versions of Visual Studio.NET, see the wiki.
Service Packs, Fixed Issues and Distribution File downloads Fixes for each Support Pack are prioritized and at this time will be released on a yearly bases. Service Pack 6 is scheduled for March 2013. All Crystal Reports 2008 even numbered Service Packs are incremental. Incremental Service Packs are smaller, but must be installed on top of a previous version of Crystal Reports 2008.
Thus as an example; in order to apply Service Pack 2, it is necessary to apply Service Pack 1 first. Full Service Packs are larger, but can be installed on workstations with no Crystal Reports 2008 installed (keycode required). The most recent Service Pack in the below table is listed first. Note:At this time (May 2013) Service Pack 5 and Service Pack 6 for SAP Crystal Reports 2008 are only available on the SAP Market Service Place. Both SPs should be available soon on SCN via a new SAP Download Portal.
Jun 23, 2011 What version of Crystal Reports and what version of Visual Studio are you using? Are you distributing Crystal Reports onto the Server? Are you developing and now trying to distribute your app to Windows Server 2008? Crystal Reports itself is 32 bit but there are 64 bit runtime available for VS 2003 up to VS 2010. The SAP Crystal Report is the reporting tool that used to design reports both in web and desktop environment. The Sap Crystal report has gone through changes in name quite a few times and the current version is named as SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio.The last known name for the product was SAP Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010.