Windows 8 Evolution 2014 32 Bit Preactivated By Nishant Full Version Free Softw
Features,overview and updates of Windows® 8 Evolution™ Edition 2014 x86: * New Window Sounds * New ORB Image * More Stable and Reliable * UAC Disabled (You should be able to run Metro Applications without any problem) * New Look for Windows Media Player * New Windows 8 Evolution Theme (Default) * Show extensions for known file types * Enabled Glass Effect (DWM) without a supported card * Windows will tell you exactly what it is doing when it is shutting down or is booting. Driver scanner acer 6678 a3a windows 7. * Add command prompt to right click context menu * Enabled addition Avalon effects * Added 'Explore from here' context menu while right clicking on folders * Get rid of the Windows Mail splash screen * Mximum Simultaneous Downloads for Internet Explorer to 20 (Default was 2 ) * Enabled DirectX Video Acceleration in Windows Media Player * Disabled Auto Rip disc when inserted in Windows Media Player * Highly customized shell. * Enabled Auto Eject disc when ripping is completed * Disabled deleting files from computer when deleted in library in Windows Media Player * Disabled Auto Add Played Media files * Enabled Advanced Option in Monitor Folders in Windows Media Player * Disabled deleting contents from devices when deleting playlist in Windows Media Player * Enabled ClearType Tuning * Added 'Copy to Folder' to right click context * Added 'Move to Folder' to right click context * Enabled Search in system folders * Improved reliabity and improved performance for gaming. * Disabled the NTFS Last Access Time Stamp (speeds up viewing folders in ntfs) * Disabled kernel paging* Optimize Core System Performance * Disabled kernel paging* Optimize Core System Performance * Disabled 8.3 names in NTFS * Disabled Low disk space checks * Faster Shutdown * Fully Automated Windows Setup * Added 'Open With Notepad' to right click context * Disabled StickyKeys Keyboard shortcut (Popups up when pressing SHIFT key five times).
* Disabled FilterKeys Keyboard shortcut (Popups up when pressing SHIFT key eight seconds). * Disabled ToggleKeys Keyboard shortcut (Popups up when pressing NUM LOCK key five seconds).
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Nov 22, 2018 - Download the latest Windows drivers for Standard Serial over. 8 Evolution 2014 (32-Bit) Preactivated (By Nishant): Full Version Free Software. Windows 8.1 full version 64 bit free download - Windows Media Player (64-bit), ATI Catalyst Software Suite (Windows 7 64-bit / Windows 8 64-bit / Windows 8.1 64-bit), nVidia Graphics Driver.
* Disabled Windows Media Player AutoUpdates * Disabled IPv6 * Added slow-motion window effects * Added'Advanced System Properties' to right-click on Computer * Faster browsing with IE * Added 'Guy's Search' to Recycle Bin Context Menu * Added Device Manager to My Computer Context Menu * Added Group Policy Editor to My Computer Context Menu * Added Registry Editor to My Computer Context Menu * Added Task Manager to My Computer Context Menu * Added Services to My Computer Context Menu * You can update windows without any problems now.