Native Instruments Studio Drummer Serial Number
I have just bought and had delivered Native Instruments Studio Drummer (£60 bargain!) But I already have the latest full version of Kontakt 5 with all the updates installed and on trying to installed Studio Drummer the message comes up, 'Do you really want to downgrade your version of Kontakt 5?' Well of course not, but there are only 2 options available 'Continue (and downgrade) or Cancel, which stopes the installation Why would Studio Drummer bother about which version of Kontakt I have anyway? Would I de-activate Kontakt 5 in the License Centre and then reactivate it after Studio Drummer has been installed? Why don't companies like Native Instruments forsee these events and in their little installation booklets tell the user what to do, or do they say 'Why should we bother, the buyer can go on SOS and find out there' I have emailed Native Instruments in the past when I have had support queries but it always takes half a week for them to reply, and i many cases they just say 'look at the forums' which is a novel take on we've had your money now sod off UPDATE I clicked on yes, carry on and now I get the message. 'Installation is not possible since the full version of Kontact 5 (in fact it is 5.0.3.xxxx) is found on this computer. The latest version of Kontakt 5 can load all Kontakt player libraries (I don't have Kontakt Player but the full version of Kontakt, whatever difference that should make?) You can update your existing Kontakt 5 full installation by running the latest Kontakt 5 update installer' Well it is updated already!!!
NATIVE INSTRUMENTS - I SHALL NOT BUY ANY MORE OF YOUR CROCK OF CRAP PRODUCTS EVER AGAIN. I am heartily fed up of shelling out not inconsiderable amounts of money only to have to go through the excrutiatingly convoluted fragile (non) installation routines again, especially when I see friends downloading warez that work first time!!!!! In fact one of them gave me Studio Drummer which I did not install and went on the internet and bought it, and here I am several hours later looking at a friggin cardboard box and a couple of DVDs that are as much use as a chocolate fireguard. And worse still, ask NI for support and you wait for an age for a vague explanation that's even less use. OneWorld wrote:My bad, can forum admin please delete the other Help - Installing Studio Drummer post. On closer inspection, DVD01 is the Kontakt Player Software, it is in tiny writing though Studio Drummer install is on the 2nd DVD That was a case of premature jubilation.
I have Native Instruments Studio Drummer and Toontrack Superior. You know what, let's see if I can just give you my serial number for my. STUDIO DRUMMER is the perfect realization of a drummer in software, with everything you need to create realistic acoustic drum tracks — top-of-the-line drum kits, detailed mixing options, and a ready-to-go groove library, packed with authentic beats of all colors and flavors. Number of instruments 3 drum kits, with cymbals, a choice of.
Installed from the second DVD, it asks for the location of the Factory Library, point it to that location, so far so good. Installation reports 'success' Run up Kontakt, add library. Point to Studio Drummer Library location - and 'No library found' and I have pointed it to NI Studio Drummer and Studio Drummer Library and nothing found, have used Windows Explorer to look in the folders and sure enough, no content, yet the installation said 'Success' 2 hours I have been on this! I types in 'uninstalling software' in the Native instruments support page and this is what I get. Custom-tailored for TRAKTOR, the S4 is a fully integrated system where software and hardware are.
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KOMPLETE AUDIO 6: DOWNLOADS Software updates. Download Manual What use is all that gubbins? There is nothing remotely anything to do with uninstalling software, and from the license centre I cannot see deavtivatye or anything relating to uninstalling and starting again Frequent Poster (Level2) Posts: 2464 Joined: Tue Apr 07, 2009 12:00 am. Lord Of Tea wrote:Have you run the service centre? I'm prety sure you'll need to activate Studio Drummer before Kontakt will run it. Here's a link to download Service Centre if you haven't installed it already. It was all my fault - not looking properly When the software arrives, it comes on 2 DVDs.
DVD01 is Kontakt Player, and in fact if Kontakt 5 is already installed, then yes the License Centre says, 'Do you really want to downgrade?' I thought the 2 DVDs were Studion Drummer alone. So I put DVD02 in, and then it went on no problem - DOH!!!! In my defense, the fact that DVD01 is Kontakt Player and forms no part of Studion Drummer is not quite apparent.